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OBX Wounded Warrior

Owner Form

Owner Information

Contact Times:
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Start Date:
Friday Saturday Sunday
Length of Stay: 1 week
Start date of donated week(s) Apr-May, Sept-Oct

Realty Company

Please complete all the required fields. This information is required in order to post your house on our website once it has been approved.


Please fill-in this application to donate a week(s) vacation for the Wounded Warriors. Your house has to be listed with a local Realty Company. This is important since the Realtors are providing their services including the reservations, the linens and the cleaning services for free. We are currently working with some of them. If yours is not in the list we will let you know to make the necessary arrangements.

Thanks for your Donation

We will contact you once we receive this application.